Kate Kane

Gate's Keepers

A new series coming soon

See the excerpt below

We live among you. We are immortal. You cannot tell by looking at our clothes or at our bodies. We don’t fear the light nor do our bodies glow. There is absolutely nothing that could give us away. We read books and see movies about immortals who go around drinking blood or chopping the heads off one another and we laugh. We are cursed to immortality and it is nothing like anything you have read or seen before.

Without exception the way we became immortal is the same. We died. We followed the light and found ourselves in a very large, completely white room. There was only one door in the room and standing there before it, as if a sentinel, was a person who told each of us the same three things.

“You are dead.”

“You are going to neither Heaven nor Hell.”

“My name is Gate and I’m keeping you.”

Gate, the sentinel, pointed toward the back of the room, away from the only door; and the next thing any of us remembers is that we woke up in the exact spot where we had died.

We call ourselves Keepers which is funny in a way since being here, alive, on earth is the result of some cosmic catch and release plan executed by someone each of us met only once. Gate is a mystery to all of us, a being who took on the form each of us would find most comforting to us when we died. For me, Gate was a white man in his 70’s wearing a snow white suit. And, for me, he had white hair and blue eyes. But I’ve heard Gate described as a man, a woman, one Keeper even described Gate as a child. He, that’s the way I saw Gate and the way I think of him, has been described as black, white, yellow, red and varying shades of brown with hair and eyes that would be appropriate for the ethnicity of the form in which he appeared.

We are bound in service for the purpose of righting the destiny of the world and these are the chronicles we keep.